© San Carlo Junior School 2019
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As a parent your role in any given day is endless, from protector, to nurturer, to provider. Our lives have become more complicated and so too has the parenting we must provide. You are constantly thinking of your child and their needs that often your own come last or not at all. Self-care is of utmost importance in order to maintain all of the above. Read some tips we have compiled for you to give yourself the time you need and deserve. This in turn will instil healthy habits in your children allowing them to grow up and become independent well rounded adults, more able to deal with the growing pressures of life.
Do you push yourself hard? Slow down and let it go.. Find a half hour to walk/run/exercise makes the rest of the day more manageable. Say No as when you say ‘Yes’ to someone; you say ‘No’ to yourself and put yourself under pressure. When you are ‘losing it; step back and deep breathe to calmness Ask for help and accept the help or support that is offered. Get 7/8 hours sleep at night Be moderate in food and alcohol
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Take time for a hobby, an interest or simply time to relax. Everyone has something they enjoy; but do you take time for yourself? It may be Cooking, gardening, music, art, sport, etc. Maybe with young children a hobby has been forgotten; so taking an hour in the week that is just for you can be a start. Perhaps a class you join with a friend so you enjoy the class, the company and getting out of the house! You will be a better mom if you take a little time and space for yourself.
Reduce your expectations Ease up on yourself! So many of us are hard on ourselves and our inner critic works overtime! Stop criticising yourself, and instead say “I handled that well” or “I did my best”. Accept yourself exactly as you are – when you do; you will ease up on everyone else as well!
Be Kinder to yourself Simply this means throughout the day; be aware of your needs and find a way to meet them. Set a date night with your partner Arrange to meet a friend or someone who is a ‘spark’ person in your life Every day; take a few minutes of time and space for you to do something you enjoy whether it is listening to music, a short relaxation/meditation or a soak in a candlelit bath. Often, the time can be got through less screen time, so disconnect
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To find out some information about wellbeing courses in your local community follow the link.
Physical Self-Care
Ease Up on Yourself
Treat Yourself Better Practice Kindness, Patience and Compassion
As a parent your role in any given day is endless, from protector, to nurturer, to provider. Our lives have become more complicated and so too has the parenting we must provide. You are constantly thinking of your child and their needs that often your own come last or not at all. Self-care is of utmost importance in order to maintain all of the above. Read some tips we have compiled for you to give yourself the time you need and deserve. This in turn will instil healthy habits in your children allowing them to grow up and become independent well rounded adults, more able to deal with the growing pressures of life.
Do you push yourself hard? Slow down and let it go.. Find a half hour to walk/run/exercise makes the rest of the day more manageable. Say No as when you say ‘Yes’ to someone; you say ‘No’ to yourself and put yourself under pressure. When you are ‘losing it; step back and deep breathe to calmness Ask for help and accept the help or support that is offered. Get 7/8 hours sleep at night Be moderate in food and alcohol
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Reduce your expectations Ease up on yourself! So many of us are hard on ourselves and our inner critic works overtime! Stop criticising yourself, and instead say “I handled that well” or “I did my best”. Accept yourself exactly as you are – when you do; you will ease up on everyone else as well!
To find out some information about wellbeing courses in your local community follow the link.
Physical Self-Care
Ease Up on Yourself